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How is Pottery Made?

Create your piece on the wheel. You will center the clay & maintain a steady hand throughout, using the push & pull of your body’s weight to achieve your desired result.

After creating your piece, it must be removed from the wheel and left to dry until it is leather hard. This usually takes anywhere from a few days to a week.

After your Piece has dried, you will. then move on to the trimming phase, removing any excess clay and adding embellishments if necessary. You will then leave your piece to dry out completely.

After your Piece has dried completely, usually after a week or so, the first round of bisque-firing begins. This allows any excess moisture to be removed from the clay.

Then we can finally glaze! This must be done with care and precision as too little glaze can result in poor coverage and much glaze can result in dripping and sticking to the kiln, leading to breakage.

Once you glaze your piece it can then be fired in the kiln. The process in its entirely can take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks.